Our Foot Care Treatments

Don't be Defeated, We Do it All

Relief is Only a Few Steps Away

Your feet are your very foundation. From the moment they touch ground, you depend on them to support your entire lifestyle.

And when your feet hurt, each step becomes a struggle. Life literally stops. Errands can’t be ran, work can’t be done.

Don’t let foot pain limit you. Step through our door for prompt care and fast relief.


Our Passionate Approach

We’ve all been there. The pain hits, but your doctor is booked solid all week. Some foot care providers just don’t have the capacity to take walk-in’s, or aren’t able to provide immediate attention.

Our team at Foot & Ankle Group understands the debilitating effects of foot pain. When you call with an urgent issue, we hustle to help. If that means working harder, our doctors put in the extra effort to see you that same day.

That’s what sets our doctors apart— above and beyond care.

Receive the one-on-one attention you need, quickly and compassionately, from our dedicated staff.

Our Treatments

Heel/Arch Pain

Does work have you on your feet all day? It sure is hard tip-toeing around to avoid stabbing heel pain. Trust the “healing” hands of our foot care professionals to relieve your daily suffering.


Does nerve pain have you in a real pinch? If walking is becoming a struggle, let us get to the source with our in-house MRI. We’ll see what you can’t and reduce your tenderness and inflammation.

Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetics often require specialized treatments. That’s why we insist our patients receive consistent attention. Our doctors prioritize routine scheduling and keeping all appointments with diabetic patients.


Say goodbye to painful rubbing! We like to say we “save the world, one bunion at a time.” Ditch your flip-flops and let our foot care specialists help you get back in your favorite shoes.

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